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2018-03-21 Pl.Bd. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– March 21, 2018

In Town Hall Annex; present were: Chairman John Mirick, Ian Catlow, Tom Sullivan and Rud Mason

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting and board reviewed ANR from surveyor Brian Szoc for three lots on West Princeton Road in Westminster with back land in Princeton. He was already in for this but Registries each wanted their own mylar signed. M. requested that a note be added on the Mylar stating that “Lot 1 does not meet zoning requirements for a building lot in Princeton” and it was printed on this version. The board voted all in favor to sign the ANR.

7:55 PM  The Christiansons and Fitzgeralds are new residents of “The Knoll” subdivision off East Princeton Road--the roadway was completed by Clayton Mosher in 2012. They were in to discuss Isaac’s Way, as the road now qualifies for town-road acceptance, with two houses on it (Fitzgerald has started construction/permitting). After discussing the history of the project, which goes back to 2002, PB members agreed to submit an article for the May Annual Town Meeting warrant seeking a vote for the town to accept the road.
        The board voted all in favor to support acceptance of the road, Isaac’s Way, on the condition that a final as-built plan is submitted, indicating that it was built to all specifications, and submitted to the town for the DPW and deed recording.
A memo dated December 2012 from the town’s oversight engineer, James Shurus, P.E. indicated that all road construction requirements had been completed and the only outstanding items were a street sign and STOP sign, at MUTCD standards, plus a “no outlet” sign. The neighbors indicated that signs had been installed some years ago and had subsequently disappeared. Clayton Mosher and the engineers will be contacted to wrap up final details for the April 4 PB meeting.

8:00 PM  The board reviewed the proposed written decision for the Verizon cell tower co-location at 194 Worcester Road. Ian C. noted that one condition -- The applicant must conform to the “controlled construction process” as noted in the Mass. building Code – was not included in the proposed written decision. All four members signed the document with the additional condition which will be forwarded to the Verizon attorney.
8:10 PM  Board considered signage bylaws proposed for ATM. John M. had added some detail regarding specs for way-find signs and exclusions such as “no trespassing” signs and warning signs. This final version with an amendment page that deletes the old signage regs will be submitted as articles-from-boards, which are due by end of week.

An applicant had been expected in with the concept of a doggie daycare at the 194 Worcester Road business complex, but did not appear. John M. pointed out that this comes under the uses allowed by-right in the Business zone, as under “retail or service establishment.” Since it is only open during daytime business hours, and has no boarding or breeding, it is not a kennel. It would require a basic site plan submission to the P.B.

8:40 PM  Board voted to approve minutes of Feb. 21, 2018.

8:45 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Sign samples and proposed sign bylaw; approval document for the Verizon cell tower co-location; “The Knoll” subdivision & Isaac’s Way plans and documents from 2012 submission.

Upcoming meetings:     April 4 & 18, 2018

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department